Cllr Olga Bottomley
I have lived in Burnaston Village with my husband for 20 years and was the founder chairperson of the neighbourhood watch association which is still active and operating today. In 2015 I was elected the chair of Burnaston Parish Council and have just been re-elected May last year.
Cllr Fran Smith
I have lived in Burnaston since 2010. I have worked as a Procurement Officer in both the Construction and IT sectors and now run our holiday cottage in the village. I have two young children and was co-opted to Burnaston Parish Council in October 2020.
Cllr Sally Price
I have lived in Burnaston with my family since 2013. Although I’m new to being a parish councillor, I hope that my career in Human Resources will bring some useful skills to the group. Our children have loved growing up exploring the fields and footpaths that surround us and they really feel like this is our little piece of countryside and I would like to help support the parish to make sound, fair and practical decisions for the benefit of the whole community.
Working full time and being a mum of two doesn’t leave much time for hobbies, but when I’m not being a taxi driver to various sports and hobbies, I enjoy cooking and continuing to make improvements to our home.
Cllr Carl Whysall
I am married, have two children and four grandchildren and have been a resident of the Parish since 1999. I now feel, with ‘time on my hands following retirement’ and having a real appreciation of our local environment, joining the Parish Council would be one way that I could give something back.
With experience of working in both the private and public sectors, a long-term interest in environmental matters, (never more important than today), I qualified as a Chartered Town Planner and completed an MBA. This enabled me to follow a very rewarding career. Before retirement I was a director at a local authority with wide ranging responsibilities including strategic, operational and financial, working with politicians at local, regional, national and European levels together with partners from other organisations, charities and business. I did some work in the former East Germany and Poland immediately following the demise of the USSR and the pulling down of the Berlin Wall. I have set up environmental charities, been a Trustee of a housing charity and know this experience will help me play a positive role in the parish.
Cllr Julian Fowkes
I have lived in Mickleover most of my life and the last 23 years at Mickleover Country Park.
I decided to join Burnaston Parish Council, so MCP had representation and to promote and maintain the values of the estate.
I have been on the council since November 2023.
I am a Design Engineer with Rolls-Royce, married with two grown children. I am a keen runner and enjoy a round of golf at the wonderful Pastures Golf Club.
Cllr Steve Byng
I have lived on Mickleover Country Park since 2000. I'm married with a grown up daughter. I retired in 2019, after almost 30 years at Rolls Royce. I have been a member of Pastures Golf Club for almost 23 years. I now think, with more time on my hands, that it is time to get involved with trying to help our community to grow.